Edited by Zubaida Nazzal
In our article today, I’ll be talking about a wider subject, a rule that fascinated me, and I felt that people might need to hear it. I think everyone on earth has dreams or goals that they want to fulfill, but they are suffering with their failed attempts, the closed doors and the doubts that creep in and make things harder.
I heard the rule of wasted energy from Dr Amr Khaled, he said “In order to reach your goal, understand that the end goal is a combination of many failed attempts and a few successful ones”, such example he gave, is when a lion catches a prey or two, he might have wasted away 8 preys along the way. Another example is a person who have had 4 failed businesses before he reached his successful one. Bear in mind these are all examples, and not statistics and solid numbers.

People in general focus on the end goal and success, and forget that the failed attempts are part of this success. The accumulation of the successes and failures is the end goal.
Have faith!
The right decisions that you make are the result of all the wrong decisions you made and learnt from in the past. They are there to help you avoid doing the wrong thing. Making mistakes might be devastating and give a sense of randomness, but it’s a thing that God puts on your way because you need it and you need to learn from it to do better.
Someone once told me a very powerful thing, he said “As soon as I prayed to him, God answered me, but it takes time”. God created the world in 7 days. In Quran God said “But His command, when He intendeth a thing, is only that He saith unto it: Be! and it is”, I think our understanding of “Be! And it is” is very immediate, while in fact it is in the time that God wants.

Use reasoning like it is everything and relay on God like it’s nothing because God will do it for you, you can literally do everything right and still it won’t happen. Try your hardest, and God will open doors for you, close others and push some people away, he will do everything for you.
7 days…
Let us focus on the 7 days period. In Reality, things in this world normally take time to happen, and you need to use reasoning, you need to work for your goal and put the effort that it needs, you can’t just sit back and pray to be the best photographer without taking a single photo or putting any time or effort to learn and progress. All the work, all the closed doors and open doors, all the trials and errors and successes are an answer to your prayer. Keep in mind your prayer might not be answered in the way you want it, it might happen in a very strange way that you will only notice later on, you might even get something better, it’s all about having faith and trusting the process.

Wasted efforts
The energy that you feel you wasted on failure, is actually an energy you put into fulfilling your goal. As long as you are truthful, praying and working, then know that reaching your goal is not far from the truth, God will give you what you need in the time that you actually need it.

Despite all the things that might seem the opposite of achieving your goal, ease your mind and God will lead the way for you. Some things might seem like you’re digging into rocks and far from happening, but here is the thing, you need to show God that you are truthful and resilient, you have to make an effort, dig deeper, work harder and show God that you actually want it and willing to do what it takes to get it and God will help you to reach it if it for your own good.

So, in short this is the rule of wasted energy over failures, failures that you think are just failures but they are actually part of the success that you want, failure after a failure that will lead to small successes and up to the end goal. You can watch our vide on my YouTube channel on the following link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYpnZ7dQZ-Q&list=PLfre3pZQr_QkKHokLr9rSPaLXayYL0CND&index=6